Genre(s) - Indie pop Origin - UK/USA Year of release - 2008 Bitrate - 320 kbps Size - 11.35 MB
I've been having other things on my mind than my blog, excuse me for the lack of updates lately. I'm not sure if that is changing very soon. Watch and pray.
Well I hope everybody knows I love The Pains, only on this here fine EP I have to admit they are being topped by their British splitmates. The Parallellograms play ultra-upbeat, ultra-simple, ultra-childlike but very noisy twee pop, with a rawness of production that would scare the lads of Von or Beherit. Pop the Bubbles is fantastic, gets me ready for summer (if only the weather worked along). As for the Pains, Kurt Cobain's Cardigan sadly is quite a nondescript song and I know they can do better than this. Also of course I prefer their more melodramatic songs.
The Parallellograms - 1, 2, 3, go!
The Parallellograms - Pop the bubbles
The Pains of Being Pure at Heart - Kurt Cobain's Cardigan
Genre(s) - Gothic/doom metal/rock Origin - The Netherlands Year of release - 2004 Bitrate - 192 kbps Size - 65.33 MB
A majestic opus of downcast gloom rock is not an export product you might expect from the picturesque province of Drenthe, or maybe again, it's exactly what you can expect - I wouldn't know what to do with myself either except for masturbating, drinking pils and playing depressive music. Living in the inhabited world I don't need to play depressive music because I have internet so I can listen to others doing it for me. All this tells you nothing about the album and is discriminating to non-Randstadters, I'm sorry. Atlantic is as vast and deep and churning restless as the ocean mirroring steel-grey skies. Singer Marco van der Velde has an astounding emotional voice and gives a great performance on songs like 18. Carat Dust or the lethargic, extra-extra-tortured Nirvana cover. The long closer and title track is a great hypnotic trip though lands of guilt and dejection. It's been six long years without an album now, I hope The Wounded will soon be patched up enough to write some more material. Who else hurts you so well?
Genre(s) - Thrash metal Origin - Germany Year of release - Early 1985 Bitrate - 128 kbps Size - 49.47 MB
This is a repost; the inverse had happened as with the previous post: still a post, but no file.
I bought Endless Pain on a whim when I was 14 and at that time it was the most extreme cd that I had, but it was instant love. Thrash metal is not my type of music - too angular - and to this date, Kreator are perhaps the only band that I can really say I like.Endless Pain, their debut, is a darker, cruder, slower affair than the three or four 'classic' albums that followed, in fact there's a lot of early Bathory in here. Texts are mostly about satan and killing people, rather a pity but you must remember it was the spirit of the times and these guys were no more than teens when they wrote this. Most of the songs have excellent riffage and the dank dungeon smell of eighties' old school thrash and proto-black metal makes this one of Kreator's most interesting releases. Tormentor and Flag of Hate, two of the best songs, are still played live today and notice the cool, almost epic bridges in Dying Victims and Son of Evil.
Genre(s) - Black metal Origin - British Columbia, Canada Year of release - 2009 Bitrate - 160 kbps Size - 59.60 MB
Though I am well aware that Skagos' opus Ást is featured on most every black metal blog around and I hate the feeling of being behind, here it is now also on mine. After all, Google tells me it's Earth Day (we have an Earth Day? Kinda gets overshadowed by Four-Twenty Day this way, don't it?), and what music better symbolises the insignificance of humankind compared to the very soil that we and everything derives from, than some nice and foresty atmospheric black metal? Skagos tell us of the triumph of Nature; the impending downfall of modern civilisation and a return to modes of life more harmonious with the world around us. After all, the carcass of monotheist capitalism will yield blossoms indeed: the conditions for new relations among ourselves and between us and the planet we inhabit. And until that time you can enjoy the enveloping, melancholic and strangely warm tones of Ást, one of the most astounding albums released in the genre last year. Fucking Calignosity.
The inanity of the last song's title aggravates me considerably.
Colossal spell
The drums pound every night in a glorious celebration of life
Blossoms will sprout from the carcass
...with a warm recollection
A night that ends, as all nights end, when the sun rises
Genre(s) - Pop/rock Origin - Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England Year of release - 1987 Bitrate - 192 kbps Size - 57.24 MB
Ah, the memories... together with Babooshka by Kate Bush, when I was a real young'un Joe Cocker's Unchain my Heart was my favourite song of all time. It's not purely nostalgia leading me to post this now, because Joe simply has an awesome bluesy voice and the track stands as strong as ever, not to mention my other favourite, I Stand in Wonder. Those who know Cocker from singing With a Little Help from My Friends at Woodstock should expect a major eighties-ification in sound on this album with its synthesisers and saxophones, though the women's background choir (which at Woodstock, of course, consisted of dudes) is still firmly in place.
Genre(s) - Rock Origin - Suid-Afrika, poes Year of release - 2006 Bitrate - 128 kbps Size - 44.62 MB
With South-African rave-rap group Die Antwoord a major hype in the Netherlands, and through their collaboration with Fokofpolisiekar in one of their songs, I found this awesome and controversial band back again after many a year of very specific amnesia. Its most remarkable feature seem to be the Afrikaans lyrics at first, which mean more to me than they probably do to you, but it hides a lot that only comes out after repeated listens. Though generally considered a punk rock band, this is full-bodied, driving modern rock geared remarkably towards atmosphere, and as such it reminds me just a little of latter-day Katatonia or Klimt 1918. The use of Afrikaans remains an interesting novelty however, especially from the melancholic raw throat of Francois "Van Coke" who translates a punklike disrespect for the whole of society. Let this grow on you, I think you won't be disappointed.
Genre(s) - Doom metal Origin - Yorkshire, United Kingdom Year of release - 1993 Bitrate - 128 kbps Size - 52.17 MB
Turn Loose the Swans is a doom metal mammoth of frightening dimensions and an immense influence on the then-youthful death-doom subgenre in metal. Its makers, the institution that is My Dying Bride, are rightfully revered as pioneers and contemporary masters in bringing an edge of tragic elegance and emotional indulgence into the usually so stone-faced world of metal. This beast here is slow, really quite slow, as it should be. It does not stalk; it shakes the earth in its weight, yet still in graceful stride. This is not impossible if you have a violinist like Martin Powell, or a singer like Aaron Stainthorpe. Aaron who, in addition to his dejected, gracefallen clean voice, can lay down the deathgrunts damn well. This is an album to be experienced, song by solemn song.
Genre(s) - Classic rock Origin - United Kingdom Year of release - 1997 Bitrate - 160 kbps Size - 89.38 MB
As I understand it, there are many people who really can't stand Fleetwood Mac, and I personally can't say they're my favourite band either. But this is an alright disc to have lying around, mostly for Go Your Own Way and The Chain, which were childhood favourites of mine. So you ask, couldn't you just take Rumours? Well I would, sir, madam, but there is one song here that you should really have heard at least once in your life. I don't think you'll be able to keep it at just once, unless you have a thing against melody and energy and brilliance in your music. Big Love. It's fantastic, check it out. And okay, there are plenty of other tracks that are really quite a treat to the ears.
Genre(s) - Black metal Origin - Italy Year of release - 2005 Bitrate - 192 kbps Size - 53.72 MB
In the excitement of spring we would almost forget the poor black metal fans. Always in for some rigorous hacking and gouging, with Kosmokrator, Spite Extreme Wing deliver a declaration of utmost hostility towards all human life.This Italian band is part of the Black Metal Invitta Armata collective, alongside such excellent compatriots as Janvs, Frangar and Tronus Abyss. The album consists of older songs that had not been released before, but you will hardly notice this. It is a leaden slab of fast and dense black metal, sometimes ever so slightly thrashy, with excellent riffs and versatility where needed with elegant acoustic (Vvltvs) and neoclassical segments (the long Il Volo). They do not forego good taste in the midst of ravaging will to destroy. And I really like to hear that. By the way, that is some real fetching cover artwork.
Il tempio ad est
Deo soli invicto
Il volo del bicorne (remake of Viaggio di Ritorno by Morgan Bellini)
Genre(s) - Gaylectropunk Origin - Nijmegen, the Netherlands Year of release - 1979 Bitrate - 128 kbps Size - 30.46 MB
We've got a real oddity here. I am proud to present to you Tedje en de Flikkers, translateable as "Teddy and the Faggots", a proud flikkerpunk band from the east of the country. They were associated with the Rooie Flikkers or Red Faggot movement, a very explicitly gay left-wing squatters' collective, and the lyrics are rather political but mostly very, very naughty. Musically, this is rickety, formless sounding 70s punk with mismatched keyboard melodies and excruciatingly vieze vocals. It is also ridiculously dated, and it should be seen as an interesting relic of cultural heritage more than a musical project of any sort. It will most likely not please your ears to be subjected to this, unless you are Dutch and hunting for fat cocks in the night. Well anyway, enjoy it or not, I'll be going for a wank in the park.
Genre(s) - Twee, o'course Origin - Mostly UK and USA Year of release - Never officially; compiled in 2005 Bitrate - 192 kbps
Twee as Fuck is a rather infamous compilation of a great many twee songs by a great many twee bands, that circulates the internet but was never officially released. Apparently it is based off a list of "essential listening" indie pop songs in a 2005 article with the same title in Pitchfork magazine. Some gentle soul has made an mp3 comp out of it and that's what I can share with you now. Many of the bands I got to like when I first discovered the genre came from this compilation and I urge anyone with a fondness of the sweet, the simple and the shamelessly underproduced to check this out. Revolt into childhood? Yes please!
Cut in half due to size. Get both!
Television Personalities - This angry silence
Talulah Gosh - Beatnik boy
Tiger Trap - My broken heart
Rocketship - I love you like the way that I used to do
Magnetic Fields - 100,000 fireflies
Honeybunch - Mind your own business
Cub - Tell me now
Beat Happening - Our secret
The Softies - Hello rain
Glo-worm - Tilt-a-whirl
Heavenly - Three star compartiment
Tullycraft - Pop songs your new boyfriend's too stupid to know about
The Pastels - Mandarin
[oops, missing file!]
Blueboy - Boys don't matter
Wolfie - Hey, it's finally yay
Tiger Trap - Puzzle pieces
The Hit Parade - Hitomi
Rocketship - Your New Boyfriend
Barcelona - I've got the password to your Shell account
Black Tambourine - Throw Aggi off the bridge
Beat Happening - Bewitched
The Pastels - Yoga
Honeybunch - My contribution to the greenhouse effect
Genre(s) - Neoclassical, ethereal Origin - Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America Year of release - 1996 Bitrate - 192 kbps Size - 70.53 MB
Supremely independent and haunting music that sounds like it could have been made anywhere and anytime except for the American nineties - here's another Changelings album. Making use of a great repertoire of classical and pre-modern instruments, vividly coloured, swirling melodies are layered like paint in a landscape by Caspar David Friedrich. It gives a similar panoramic width, set in tones of falling dusk on overgrown ruins, etcetera. It runs the gamut from pastoral serenity to percussion-driven bombast in smooth, gradual crescendo, never breaking the constant natural flow. Earthquake at Versailles and Into this Divide stand out in that respect. Wonderfully dreamy chamber music for romantics only.
The band's third album, Amphibian, had already been posted here.
Genre(s) - Country (rock) Origin - United States of America Year of release - 2005 Bitrate - 320 kbps Size - 71.33 MB
I was righteously recommended this by a good friend: some good old-fashioned American home-grown country, and still very unknown too. Let's hope that changes soon, Remedy Motel is a great young band who nails the nostalgia just right. My Favorite Record reminds of long stretches of interstate crossing the mesas, interspersed by dingy roadside bars full of bikers and ladies of the night. It's not totally retrogressive; it has a shiny modern sound and a versatile approach, but the music's soul is old indeed. Wonderful music to kick back to reading road-novels. One of the band members is even called Bart! But you don't owe this to me, so if you like it, say "thanks Lucy!"
The Tough Alliance are also Swedish, and that concludes the range of similarities to Lifelover. It took me a blonde-quiffed Swede to get to know them. The two dudes play some strange form of electronic music that sounds chaotic and mismatched, experimental and still poppy, and kind of drugged-up catchy. They're hard on vocals and brass and the rhythms are definitely more than simple unilinear doing-doing-doing dance beats. I can not describe it in much more detail without probably missing the mark. This is the only electronic music I know that is inspired by revolutionary politics, even if those are not expressed as such through the music itself as much as in the theory behind the group.
Make it Happen
Year of release - 2004 Bitrate - 128 kbps Size - 8.65 MB
Genre(s) - Black metal/depressive pop Origin - Sweden Year of release - 2007 Bitrate - 320 kbps Size - 81.12 MB
Still not dark enough for you? Then maybe you need some Lifelover in your life. With a mixture of musical styles even more cynical than the mocking name, they seek to confuse you and fuck with your mind. Compared to the debut Pulver (posted here), the sophomore effort presents a more unified sound, blending the different elements more thoroughly into the whole, although it seems a bit less melodic and more droning. Lyrics seem to be themed around alienation, negativity, death, hedonism and (self-)abuse; you know, all the good stuff. This band has a unique and uncanny way of creeping up on you and inducing all sorts of dark, involuntary thoughts and feelings in your all too vulnerable mind. That is not a warning - it's a warm invitation.
Genre(s) - Black metal Origin - Poland Year of release - 2007 Bitrate - 192 kbps Size - 59.07 MB
October last year, Polish Furia released a new album that I was very much looking forward to but which ultimately didn't really satisfy the expectations that the debut had set. So I am offering you this, their finest hour, Martwa Polska Jesién ("Dead Polish Autumn"). It is a splendorous monument of black crystal that beckons your unconditional worship. Highly concerted, concentrated destruction, mind-bending in its massiveness and impenetrable in its darkness. An atmospheric depth that is all too easy to lose yourself in. The band's talent, authenticity and confidence are clear from every tone. Those hammering drums, those scathing vocals... here is all that makes black metal wholesome. Big headphones and high volume more than recommended.
Genre(s) - Black metal Origin - Kolbotn, Norway Year of release - 1999 Bitrate - 128 kbps Size - 41.22 MB
Darkthrone are beyond legend and require no introduction. This most aptly titled album from their early transitional period is among my all-time favourites by Norway's most loyal, and totally crushes anything on A Blaze in the Northern Sky in every aspect if you ask me. It features some of the most crawling, ominous riffs the band has ever concocted, and the album rings with a triumphant, arrogant sadism. Of course, Fenriz and Nocturno - most charming figures the both of them - have much to be arrogant about, especially with this beast of cold and harrowing beauty... Ravishing Grimness, indeed.
Genre(s) - Twee pop Origin - United States of America Year of release - 2008 Bitrate - 192/320 kbps Size - 19.61 MB
Here is some unabashedly adorable, lo-fi twee (is there any other kind?) from wonderful WeePOP! Records, because it was such a sunny day today. And if you ask me, Let's Whisper is among the best out there. The Make me Smile EP does not exhibit the deliberate amateurish bedroom recording values and unsteady performance as some other bands make them, which I find a plus. The clarity and simple but capable instrumentation highlight the flawless compositions. Hey Sunshine and Ice Cream are really sunny and will bring a wide smile to your face that's impossible to wipe away. However, Dylan's Song and Tender Circles are brilliantly bittersweet and you'll have to put up a fight not to let them affect your mood just as much. In a nutshell: tender harmonies and happy-sad melodies galore.
Genre(s) - Electronic darkwave, Neue Deutsche Härte Origin - Austria Year of release - 2004 Bitrate - 128 kbps Size - 52.69 MB
For those it may concern: L'Âme Immortelle are the closest thing to German Electro I still had pre-uploaded on Mediafire. They're Austrian and sing in English half the time, and like ASP as well they gradually incorporated more rock influences, stapling crunchy angular guitars to the electronic backdrop in places where the sound (apparently) could use some heaviness. Some of the beats also seem to be played on an acoustic kit, so it's really just the closest thing. It's a very enjoyable album all in all, which took me a while to fully appreciate. The band feautures male and female vocals, of which especially Sonja Kraushofer's are very good (she also sings for ethereal band Persephone). There are some slower songs that, save for Ohne Dich, do not become tedious if you take time to learn to enjoy them. Without You, luckily, is not just an English version of the aforementioned song despite the name - which is actually a bit odd if you think about it.
Genre(s) - Apocalyptic folk, military pop Origin - Sweden (ORE), Italy (SF) Year of release - 2005 Bitrate - 192 kbps Size - 47.41 MB
A debauched carnal encounter between the two most sensual and deviant acts of the neo-industrial era, Satyriasis was destined to be long before it was. The two projects each have a style of their own, but there are no two other bands that are as compatible. This is also reflected in the way the album is structured. Transition from the one band and back again is so seamless there is no reason to call it a transition altogether. Spiritual Front are the folkier, more organic of the two while Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio still take more cues from (martial) industrial structure, but both bands supply great exclusive material. The joint-effort intro and outro could have been more substantial, however. They really just serve as in- and outroduction while I'd have loved to hear some co-written actual songs. No matter, you can handle the setback. Now go get 'er.
If you enjoyed the Italian band you can find more here; ORE definitely warrants a future post.
ORE ft. SF - Your sex is the scar
SF - Song for the old man
ORE - Hell is where the heart is (the gospel of Thomas)
Genre(s) - Folk metal Origin - Gelderland, the Netherlands Year of release - 2008 Bitrate - 160 kbps Size - 47.31 MB
From the East of the Netherlands comes this Saxon warband, a nomadic pillaging machine that sacks and burns clubs and venues around Europe without end, posing a continuous threat to the continent's ale reserves while doing so. Their music is just right: competently written, burly pagan metal with a live violinist, aggressive guitar leads and great clean vocals that praise Wodan, vicious battle, and drinkin'. Some tracks like Wodan Heerst are quite slow but even those have a certain catch and flow too well to ever get tedious. There's a new album coming out this month, which I hope is as good as this. Catch these guys live when you get the chance, good times will be had... though for me, half the charm are of course their exclusively Dutch lyrics.
Genre(s) - Chansons Françaises, pop, singer-songwriter Origin - Take a guess Year of release - 198? Bitrate - 128 kbps Size - 54.40 MB
Ses Plus Grands Succes, which simply means His Greatest Hits, is a compilation album by the French singer-songwriter Gérard Lenorman. I really do not know a lot about the man, but I remember having known his song La Ballade des Gens Heureuses (Ballad of the Happy People) for about all my life. It's still, to me, the most beautiful song on the disc though that may be because of the memories attached. Voici les Clés (See Here the Keys) and Si j'Était Président (If I were President) always flush my chest with some aching warmth as well, it's fantastic if music can evoke such a response. If you enjoy this album as much as I did, may I suggest for you to try this album out as well, by a compatriot and collaegue chansonnier Benjamin Biolay.
Genre(s) - Chamber pop, singer-songwriter Origin - United States of America Year of release - 2004 Bitrate - Eh, it's actually in M4A (old WMP-rip of my own), hope you don't mind. Size - 32.12 MB
This EP came as a companion disc to the concert DVD Welcome to Sunny Florida so that's the picture I used. It features six songs, and going by the title I imagine they are the unreleased overspill of the beautiful Scarlet's Walk that preceded the live registration. It's easy to conclude it must be less accomplished material for it not to appear on the album but I wonder if you could keep that up after hearing just Ruby alone. Seaside and the long Apollo's Frock are also beautiful, and would have been strong contenders on the full-length. This is really just an extra for long-time fans and completists, people new to the glory of Tori would do well to walk Scarlet's Walk first (find it here).
Genre(s) - Power metal Origin - Germany/Romania Year of release - 2007 Bitrate - 192-320 kbps Size - 68.88 MB
Powerwolf are a German band with a singer (and opera student) straight from the craggy mountains of Transylvania. Consequentially, instead of fantasy battles and the like, the band's lyrics are centered around vampires, werewolves, the devil and other creatures of the night. There is also a strange obsession with the Catholic church. Musically this is just perfect: crunchy guitars, great classic riffs backed by a church organ. It is suitingly bombastic stuff, but not too fast or needlessly filled with all kinds of symphonic arrangements. The all-important choruses are captivating and will keep popping up into your mind all through the rest of the day. The great and remarkable voice of Attila Dorn makes this highly uplifting release complete. Last year's album Bible of the Beast made it to my top-20 for 2009.
Genre(s) - Neomedieval darkwave Origin - Germany Year of release - 2007 Bitrate - 128 kbps Size - 67.96 MB
I wish to love Sopor Aeternus with all my heart, since Anna-Varney Cantodea is simply one of the most fascinating people in music today. However, Les Fleurs du Mal is actually the first SA&tEoS album that I could stand. It probably is the most playful release Cantodea and her ensemble have ever produced, musically and especially lyrically. Shave if You Love Me, Some Men and A Little Bar of Soap are even quite humourous. It is as if our heroine has never felt as comfortable being herself, before. The music is still based on medieval-ish instruments, keyboards, and percussion but the addition of a full-fledged choir ("sing it, boys!") lets itself be quite well noticed. I don't believe I've ever called an album sexy before, but it's just the only word that summarises Les Fleurs. Highly recommendable to everybody, not just darkwave fans.
Genre(s) - Psychedelic rock Origin - San Francisco, California Year of release - 1977 Bitrate - 128 kbps Size - 31.89 MB
I'm a big fan of the Dead's expansive hallucinogenic jamscapes of the sixties, as well as their sudden turn to folk music in 1970. The material that followed American Beauty never caught much of my attention except for this one; Terrapin Station. It's a very organic rock album that is still nothing like what they did in their first five or so years. There's a psychedelic edge but it is not as consciously pushed, rather a pleasant side effect. It's very relaxing music. The album's raison d'être is of course to showcase the heavenly title track, a decent 16 minute course through all kinds of different moods. Plaintive verses, smooth and chilled-out, then a cautious preparation for the finale, and through a blistering drum solo (that will not bore even you) to the climax that sounds like the sky is breaking and a coked-up angel's chorus descends down to earth to herald the second coming of our estimated prophet.
Genre(s) - Black metal Origin - France Year of release - 2004 Bitrate - 128 kbps Size - 49.92 MB
In the last decade, France has come to be known as a hotbed for black metal innovation, but Nehëmah must have missed that memo. The veteran band isn't one to change its style over the course a mere 12 years, and this reminds me very strongly of Darkthrone's Under A Funeral Moon. True, some more subtle synths have slipped into the music, making Requiem Tenebrae the most lucid of the band's albums. You won't have to worry that this might make the sound more melodic, it doesn't. What it does, is provide added grimness at the most effective of moments, such as the sick finale to Consciousness in Evil or the lingering miasma of Taken Away. Through the Dark Nebula is a furious closer regularly punctuated by single floor tom beats like cannonblasts, a very effective way of making the whole track sound even more hostile. For all their staunch traditionalism, Nehëmah know how to make old-school black metal engaging again.
Genre(s) - Black/thrash metal Origin - United States of America Year of release - 2001 Bitrate - 192 kbps Size - 69.12 MB
Celtic-Sumerian occult blackened thrash metal, from Texas of all places. Quite unique stuff, with a very dry, trebly production that highlights the insane drumming of Sir Proscriptor McGovern and not much more. It really does not lend a good atmosphere to the music and that is a pity, because when it comes to songwriting, Absu are a fairly sophisticated bunch (much more so than what the genre blackened thrash would probably convey) and the individual tracks are strong and bound to linger in the mind for a while. Tracks like A Shield with an Iron Face and "She Cries the-eh Qui-yet Lay-hay-hake!" could be called positively catchy, while the Stone of Destiny shows a more epic side. The new album has a better production and atmosphere but I liked the songs less, maybe I need to get used to it some more though.
Pillars of mercy
A shield with an iron face
The cognate house of courtly witches lies west of county Meath
Genre(s) - Rare poep ouwe Origin - Japan Year of release - 2007 Bitrate - 128 Size - 44.70 MB
Okay. For some unimaginable reason someone decided to inject three Japanese menchildren and a womanchild with speed and monkey genes, take away their dictionaries, and lock them up in a room with musical instruments. The session was of course recorded and the result is Buiikikaesu!!. The music is insanely hectic and hectically insane, alternating between impossibly bouncy, happy-go-lucky stuff that will make your face go like ^___________^ and more aggressive parts with harsh vocals at a staggering speed. The lyrics would have been bilingual if the English parts weren't simply references to random everyday objects ("Bikini sport the monkey spanner ponchin!"). I generally hate music as angular and chaotic as this but this is just unforgivably catchy. And my brother asked me to up this. So there you go, sorry that it took about a year!
Genre(s) - Folk metal Origin - Newcastle-upon-Tyne, North North England Year of release - 2002 Bitrate - 160 kbps
When it comes to folk metal, if Skyclad didn't write the book then at least they were its editors-in-chief. They were far ahead of most of their peers and in my humble opinion still one of the very few to ever do it right. They're a very likeable bunch too. The music is miraculously uplifting, and sublimely Anglosaxon, building from a NWOBHM-platform instead of the standard melodic death/black metal one, and adorning it with fiddle melodies audibly native to British soil. And of course they are rooted in that wonderful British class consciousness; their lyrics are left-wing without a doubt, but drenched not so much in politics as in a very astute and thoroughly sarcastic analysis of the world around us. Oh, and since precisely this release, Skyclad even have a good singer! So for No Daylights they retooled a few of their best tracks to suit his clear melodic voice and there you have an album and a half of great, really quite harmless metal that will pick up your mood and have you looking hard if you want to find any flaws at all. In fact, would it be sad if a bastard album like this (Martin's lyrics, Kevin's voice) was the band's best material to date? Because it seems a lot like it is.
Genre(s) - Industrial rock/metal, Neue Deutsche Härte Origin - Germany Year of release - 2001 Bitrate - 192 kbps Size - 61.59 MB
Since everybody should already know Rammstein and this album will probably be taken down in no time, I won't bother with a long introduction. Maybe not the best comparison, but just as with the Korn album I've held on to this after all these years out of pure, sweet nostalgia. If you like rock music that should be reason enough to check this if you haven't before. Some great songs, that's for sure.
This blog is meant to generate attention to bands that I think deserve it, and aims for a large variety of music styles. I will only share albums that I personally recommend, and do not honour requests. You won't find complete discographies here as I encourage individual research and do care about the artists enough not to offer their entire lives' work for the taking. If you notice a mistake or a wrong/broken link, please let me know so I can fix it. Thanks!
Complaints and compliments can be directed to bartromeijn-at-hotmail-dot-com but for quick messages by all means use the shoutbox and comments.
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The music I offer on this blog is for display purposes exclusively. You are not entitled to download or listen to it at all. Go away.
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The Smiths (are a light that will never *really* go out)