December 18, 2009

SpringtOifel - Engelstrompeten und Teufelsposaunen

Genre(s) - Oi!
Origin - Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Year of release - 2007
Bitrate - 256 kbps
Size - 47.27 MB

Those who have followed this blog for a longer time may know: I have a soft spot for German oi!, only this hasn't really been mirrored in the blog entries recently. Time to set some shit right! SpringtOifel are, let's respectfully call it an "experienced" band; the track Gebortztaachslied, literally a birthday song, tallies "Fünfundzwanzig Jahre Alkohol, Sex und Droogs und Rock 'n Roll!" Basically they were full-grown beer-binging skinheads before most current skins even had to bother shaving their heads yet. They are both a professional and very fun-loving bunch: Engelsposaunen shows remarkable songwriter- and musicianship and production values for a skinhead record, with upbeat sing-along songs with very witzige lyrics. Definite high point of the album is the hilarious ode to Bud Spencer, apparently the singer's childhood hero, in Als ich ein kleine Junge war. They are an apolitical SHARP (antiracist) band that have earned their stripes and let's hope they keep going at it for years to come.
  1. Engelstrompeten und Teufelsposaunen
  2. Alkohol - der dritte Weg
  3. Tanzt!
  4. Ebsch bois
  5. Mr. Hyde
  6. Der Schwamm
  7. Himmel und Hölle
  8. Der Pöbel regiert die Stadt
  9. Buffalo bill
  10. Holiday in Guantánamo Bay
  11. Getaway from Guantánamo Bay
  12. Ave Moguntia
  13. Der Mond über Mainz
  14. Als ich ein kleine Junge war
  15. Der Kater gehört dazu
  16. Gebortzdaachslied
  17. Schlaf-apneu
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