Band/artist - Knutna Nävar Genre(s) - Folk Origin - Sweden Album - De Svarta Listornas Folk Year of release - 1973
I've uploaded plenty of actively leftist music on here but so far this one just takes the cake. Knutna Nävar (meaning clenched fist) are a seventies folk band with strong ties to the Kommunistiska Partiet Marxisterna-Leninisterna, Sweden's Stalinist party of those times. Strange how it took the fall of the Berlin wall for most who called themselves communists to figure out that Stalin, Mao and their respective legacies maybe just weren't all that socialist and that the Eastern Bloc was not quite a worker's paradise. This disk, the title meaning something like blacklisted folk, is full of 100% pure acoustic propaganda music, and is quite inspiring to listen to considering its revolutionary appeal. And some of the tracks are just pretty good - especially the title track, I Alla Länder (adapted from Bella Ciao), Arbetarbröder (adapted from Ernst Busch's Der Heimliche Aufmarsch, which I plan to upload in due time as well), and Strejken på Arendal. It also shows the spirit of the times and, to be frank, the lack of criticism within the leftist circles to their own accomplishments or lack thereof. I listen to this one a lot: it's simply a very fun glorification of bureaucratic state capitalism hiding behind a socialist façade, but also warms my heart with the flame of revolution. Arbetarbrödar, vi måsta skapa et Kommunistiskt Parti!
De svarta listornas folk (Blacklisted folk)
Hundra procent (A hundred percent)
Greppet hårdnar (Reach higher?)
Strejken på Arendal (On strike for(?) Arendal)
Hör maskinerens sång (Hear the song of the machines)
I alla länder (In all the countries)
Ho Chi Minh
Ut till fronten (On to the front)
Sången om Stalin (Song about Stalin)
En arbetarkvinnas sång till sin son (A worker woman sings for her son)
Band/artist - Elvenking Genre(s) - Power metal Origin - Italy Album - Heathenreel Year of release - 2001
The most good-natured style of metal has always been power metal, but most bands try to disguise their fun factor as epicness or heroism. Elvenking is not one of those bands, singing about dancing more than about fighting, and playing sprightly music that at times only reminds of metal because of the pace and instrumentation. Especially the vocals are exuberant and truly Elflike - i.e. a bit androgynous, but this fits just right, and this mr. Damnagoras is a very good singer. Heathenreel breathes a fresh, invigorating wind through a tired genre ridden with clichés by the inclusion of minor folk (metal) influences, lending the album a festive, foresty sound of its own. Simply said, the music sounds like everything the band name, album title and artwork remind you of. In large doses it can all get a bit tiring on the ears due to the insistent gaiety and the many twists and turns that the compositions take. But this is mitigated somewhat by enough variety and some great melodies. It has happened, however, that I could not get to sleep because I still had passages of this album stuck in my head.
Band/artist - Monarque Genre(s) - black metal Origin - Québec, Canada Album - Fier Hérétique Year of release - 2007
Some nice Québécois black metal in the vein of their homeland's tradition (Akitsa, Forteresse...): raw yet atmospheric, and I figure as ethnocentric as the rest of 'em. I wonder if the desire for independence from the rest of Canada is as strong as the presence of so many nationalist Francophone bands suggests (in Maple Syrup country, separatism seems to have strong, unhealthy links with far-right traditionalism - I blame the poutine). Back to the music, it is hardly spectacular and it doesn't redefine black metal in any way but tracks like Le Vent du Nord and Marches Funèbres breathe a wonderful sense of nostalgic pride. Another point of praise concerns how the music fills your entire cranial cavity, an ability usually reserved for the better bands in the genre.
Intro - Ces charognes éparses (These scattered corpses)
Band/artist - Triarii Genre(s) - Martial ambient, neoclassical Origin - Germany Album - Ars Militaria Year of release - 2005
When I first heard of the genre called martial ambient/industrial and military pop I was fascinated by the concept and the bands' images. Most of the bands couldn't really interest me, however; I had hoped for something a bit more romantic and less industrial than most projects within the genre proved to be. Triarii is one of the exceptions: with its focus on ominous, bombastic neoclassical arrangements set to slow, heavy percussion and snare-roll marches it's just as apocalyptic as I imagined the whole genre to be. Listening to Sun, Serpent & the World Ending, the most devastating track on the album, or the proud, nostalgic Son of the Sun you can just visualize the legions marching by.
This blog is meant to generate attention to bands that I think deserve it, and aims for a large variety of music styles. I will only share albums that I personally recommend, and do not honour requests. You won't find complete discographies here as I encourage individual research and do care about the artists enough not to offer their entire lives' work for the taking. If you notice a mistake or a wrong/broken link, please let me know so I can fix it. Thanks!
Complaints and compliments can be directed to bartromeijn-at-hotmail-dot-com but for quick messages by all means use the shoutbox and comments.
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The music I offer on this blog is for display purposes exclusively. You are not entitled to download or listen to it at all. Go away.
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